2019 Talent Show Registration
To register for the event and pay, please click here.
Three levels of competition in Public speaking.
- Juniors – Elementary School students (Grades 1 to 5)
- Intermediates – Middle School students (Grades 6,7,8)
- Seniors – High School students (Grades 9 and above)
Category Rules:
- Juniors can prepare their speech based on the topics given below. The length of the speech should be 1 minute only.
Topics for Juniors
- Being a kid is great because…
- My school is the best because…
- My favorite season of the year is…
- What would it be like if dinosaurs roamed the Earth?
- If I was the President of the U.S….
- My dream vacation
- The happiest day of my life
Extemporaneous Speech for Intermediates and Seniors
- Impromptu topics will be given 30mins before the contest begins at the venue for both the Preliminaries and Finals .
- This means that the topics will not be announced ahead of time.
- Contestants will have 30 minutes of preparation time before the contest begins.
- The Preliminaries take place at the regional level and is the first of the two distinct segments of the competition, Preliminaries and Finals.
- Please refer the competition page for the list of regional level Preliminaries.
- Top three contestants per category from each region will go to the Finals
- The Finals takes place on the Holiday celebration stage, and is the second of the two distinct segments of the competition, Preliminaries and Finals
- Top three contestants from each region will compete in the Finals
- There will be one winner per category after all the contests are complete
Time Limits
- Juniors – 1 minute
- Intermediate – 2 minutes
- Seniors – 3 minutes
General Rules
- Visuals aids, including phone, posters, are not permitted
- Only Juniors may use a complete script during the speech, but should not read the speech.
- Intermediate and senior contestants may use note cards or letter-size paper for their keyword outline. (Pencils and note cards/letter size paper will not be provided. Contestants should bring their note cards/papers/pencils)
- Extemporaneous speakers will be shown time cards at correctly timed intervals indicating ‘‘1 MINUTE’’, ‘‘30 SECONDS’’, and ‘‘STOP’’.
- Podium use is optional, but judges may deduct points for excessive movement or hand gestures that distract. It is the delivery of the spoken word that is evaluated.
- Judges decision are final